If you don’t know how to choose plastic plugs then this information will be useful for you.
The most common pipes have the following section - round, square, rectangular, flat-oval, arched. All plastic plugs are marked exactly like pipes. The outside dimension of the pipe corresponds to the marking of the plug. This is done so that the plugs can be easily selected according to the same size.
The plugs for round pipes.

An example of marking a round pipe- 25x2.
The first number 25 is the outside diameter of the pipe in mm.
The second number is 2 is the pipe thickness in mm.
If you require an internal or external plug on this pipe the name(size) of the plug corresponds to the outside diameter of pipe A
So you need to choose a diameter of 25 mm in the section of inner or outer round plugs.
Plugs for square pipes

An example of marking a square pipe is 40x40x2.
The first and second number 40 is the outside dimension of the pipe in mm, the third number 2 is the pipe’s wall thickness in mm.
If you need a plug inside or outside on this pipe then the name (size) of the plug corresponds to the outside dimension of pipe A. So you need to choose a size 40x40 mm in the section of internal or external square plugs. If you need beautiful stubs for the fence then you can choose pyramidal square stubs.
Plugs for rectangular pipes

Example of marking a rectangular pipe 60x40x2.5. the first number 60 is the outside dimension of the pipe (larger face) in mm, the second number 40 is the outside pipe dimension (smaller face) in mm, the third number 2.5 is the pipe's wall thickness in mm.
If you require a plug inside or outside on this pipe then the name (size) of the plug corresponds to the outside dimension of the pipe.
So you need to choose a size of 60x40 mm in the section of internal or external rectangular plugs.
Important! When you search through the website it is important to first enter the size of the large face and then the size of the smaller face.
Plugs for flat-oval pipes

Example of marking a flat-oval pipe 30x15x1.5
The first number 30 is the outside dimension of the pipe (larger face) in mm, the second number 15 is the outer pipe dimension (smaller face) in mm, the third number 1.5 is the pipe thickness in mm.
If you require a plug inside or outside on this pipe, the name(size) of the plug corresponds to the outside dimension of the pipe. That is you need to choose a size of 30x15 mm in the section of internal or external flat-oval plugs.
Important! When you perform a search on the website, it is important to enter the size of the larger face and then the size of the smaller face.
Plugs for technical holes

The size of the plug corresponds to the diameter of the hole in the surface. For example, you have a hole of 12 mm, then you need to choose a plug with the size of 12 mm
-caps (plugs) for bolts, screws, nuts (hexahedron)

Such plugs are selected according to the diameter of the thread. Since there is a direct connectivity between the size of the hexahedron (under this size is selected horn key or a folding wrench) from the diameter of the thread.
M6-10 mm
M8-13 mm
M10-17 mm
M12-19 mm
M14-22 mm
M16-24 mm
M20-30 mm
And so on.